Game Rules

Character Generation

Allowed Books: All Paizo material, including splat books, barring obviously stupid things like Sacred Geometry; if you aren't sure if what you want to take qualifies as "obviously stupid," then ask. Third Party and 3.5 materials may be allowed on a case by case basis. 

Ability Scores: 17, 16, 15, 15, 14, 13. Assign as desired. Score were generated by rolling four sets (one for each player) of 4d6, reroll 1s, with all PCs given the best rolled set.

Hit Points: Max at first level. After first, NO REROLLING 1s. Instead if you roll below average for your hit die, take the average instead. For instance if you hit die is a d6 and you roll a 1 or 2, you instead take a 3.

Skills: The alternate Background Skills system from Paizo is being used, including the two new skills, Artistry and Lore. As per the alternate rules, players have 2 extra skill points per level that must be spent on skills designated as background skills.

Gear: Initially players are starting at 6,000 gold (PC WBL for level 4) that must be spent on equipment pre-game. Basic gear that such a character would reasonably have is to be selected at no additional cost. All 6,000 may be spent on a single item if so desired. It is currently undecided if characters that start after 4th level will get full WBL for their current starting level.

Special: All PCs start with a bonus feat of their choice or a special background item that may grow with them as they level. If the item is chosen then it will be discussed and decided on a case by case basis.

Party Cohesion: Initial party members may be required roll to determine how they know each other using these tables and work it out from there

House Rules and Subsystems

Alignment and Flavor restrictions: Alignment will be largely ignored and will not restrict class choice. Feel free to be a Neutral Paladin or a Lawful Barbarian. All flavor restrictions (i.e. must be follower of deity X, must be from kingdom of Y) on feats and class features are ignored. This also applies to all racial archetypes, spells, feats, etc. that don't specifically require the use of racial abilities to function. Clerics may pick any Domain or Subdomain regardless of Deity, but should have a coherent explanation for their choices. Druids may also pick any Domain as long as it makes sense for the character. And so on.

Spell Changes: Certain higher level spells may be changed so the world makes sense, but as the party is currently low level it is not a major concern. As of right now this would probably mean adding further restrictions to Teleport (i.e. X inches of certain materials or Y of stone would impede) and the utter unavailability of resurrection magic barring Breath of Life.

Magical Unarmed Strikes: Unarmed strikes can be enchanted as per normal weapons and can be flavored anyway desired by the PC (handwraps, magical tattoos, etc.). Alternatively, Amulets of Mighty Fist may be crafted as though they were weapons (using the same price formula as a weapon and with a max of +10 instead of +5). Amulets crafted this way only enhance unarmed strikes, not natural attacks, but they do still provide natural armor bonuses based on their cost as per the modified Innate Item Bonus system.

Failure is not the End: Running as written. PCs essentially have plot armor versus death, but failure can still have devastating story consequences. In certain situations actual death may be possible, but PCs will be made aware of that beforehand.

Wounds Threshold: Running as written, currently using the normal version. Eventually we will transition into the gritty variant as to keep wounds relevant at higher levels.

Called Shots: Running as written.

Innate Item Bonuses: Running as written except items are not subject to the Price Increase table. This may be changed at a later date if it proves to be too powerful.

Healing Surges: Running as written, except once per minute a character may gain a Second Wind by taking a standard action. Doing so allows a character to gain the benefits of a healing surge without the need for a healing magic catalyst.

Hero Points: Running as written, except characters may also spend a Hero Point to use Healing Surges in a variety of ways. All of the following can be used even if a character's Second Wind has already been expended.
  •  You may spend a healing surge as a free action, even if it is not your turn.
  • As a standard action you may spend up to four healing surges at once.
  • If unconscious or Defeated, you may spend a healing surge on your turn to immediately be raised to 1 HP and conscious, though you can do no other actions that round.

Alternate Poisons and Diseases: Running as written.

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